The Power of a Workcamp
As a Red Shirt staff member, you hear God Sightings that are out of the wazoo! Some are silly and some can seriously touch your heart.
Jesus is changing lives every day through people just like you on Group Mission Trips.
As a Red Shirt staff member, you hear God Sightings that are out of the wazoo! Some are silly and some can seriously touch your heart.
I have the pleasure of sharing this story from our Week of Hope in Charleston, SC.
I am exhausted from a challenging Workcamp on the Northern Cheyenne reservation this past week. But there were many wonderful things that happened, and there were a lot of God Sightings. Like this one.
Three weeks ago I went on my first Group Mission Trip to Lame Deer, Montana. I went as a volunteer site coach. It was an incredibly challenging experience and I think I worked longer hours that week than I have ever worked in my life... and I wouldn't change a thing.
Fall 2013 was a dry and lonely season for me. I was ready for a change. I didn't know what it would be or what it would look like, but I knew I needed it.
It was in a smelly, sweaty gymnasium during the heat of a Tennessee summer where my perspectives about my faith began to shift. I was 13 years old and had eagerly traveled in a minivan across the country with my youth group to spend a week serving at one of my first Group Workcamps.
Written by Sarah Brase, Group Mission Trips Content Marketing Specialist
I not only learned but experienced something new this week. Something so significant that changed my perspective on faith and missions. I learned that transformation happens when you step outside your own comforts and self-protections and show up for the unknowns.
Written by Trent Russell
Staffing Representative, Group Mission Trips
"Ask God to tell you or show you what's in your way." The MC at my first Workcamp wanted us to do something others had asked of me before: Talk to Jesus.
Written by Sara Curry, Group Staff
I went on my second Week of Hope trip this year and it did not fail to live up to my expectations.
Written by Michaela Brause, Group Mission Trips Project Manager
"Yá'át'ééh." "Hello" in Navajo.
Recently, I traveled to Southern Utah to meet with local Workcamps partners and community members in preparation for our Summer 2018 Montezuma Creek Challenge Workcamp.
Written by Hayley Bancroft, Project Manager, Group Mission Trips
Written by Katie Ayres, Project Manager, Group Mission Trips
I have been with the Group Mission Trips team since February 2017 and attended my first workcamp this past summer in Scranton, PA.
Lindsey B. led a group in Grano De Oro, Costa Rica through Group International Mission Trips for a week in early January 2018. Here's a brief Q&A where she shares about her experience there.
What projects were you involved with in Grano De Oro, Costa Rica?
Q: What are you most excited for in your time with Group Mission Trips as an intern?
I have the pleasure of serving on the Red Shirt summer staff at Week of Hope in Vienna, VA this summer.
Tent Schools International (TSI) partnered with Week of Hope and Bethany Christian Services to provide 69 backpacks for resettled refugee families in Grand Rapids, MI in August 2016.
When youth and adult participants arrive at each resident's home, they bring far more than loaded tool belts and construction materials. The relational hope offered to each resident is invaluable, and leaves such a lasting impact:
My wife decided in November that she no longer wanted to be married to me. I was forced from my home. I was homeless. The kindness of God’s blessings has provided so much love and loyalty, unspeakable joy, a movement only God could have provided.
I am a blessed Workcamp recipient residing in the rural town of Dexter township. I was touched by some phenomenal young folks we worshiped together and bonded. My heart felt full and filled with joy comfort and deep soul healing.
I have been blessed in so many ways this week at the Workcamp in Valdosta, GA. But one of the biggest blessings I received was being able to lead the youth of Mt. Zion. This was my first time being an "adult leader" and I could not have asked for a better experience.
My cup is overflowing. A few short days ago, I was in a car full of complete strangers headed towards South Milwaukee to volunteer at a camp for kids our age with disabilities and/or special needs.
Want to say MANY THANKS to the youth volunteers that helped us with KIDS CAMP during the Week of Hope in San Diego, California this summer.
I got to serve for my second year in a row on a Group International Mission Trip in Pescadero, Baja, Mexico this summer.
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