
Life-change Stories

Jesus is changing lives every day through people just like you on Group Mission Trips.


Residents Reveal Gratitude

When youth and adult participants arrive at each resident's home, they bring far more than loaded tool belts and construction materials. The relational hope offered to each resident is invaluable, and leaves such a lasting impact:


Unspeakable Joy from a Grateful Resident

My wife decided in November that she no longer wanted to be married to me. I was forced from my home. I was homeless. The kindness of God’s blessings has provided so much love and loyalty, unspeakable joy, a movement only God could have provided.


A supernatural Blessing

I am a blessed Workcamp recipient residing in the rural town of Dexter township. I was touched by some phenomenal young folks we worshiped together and bonded. My heart felt full and filled with joy comfort and deep soul healing.