Since Fidel Castro took power with his Communist regime in 1959, Cuba has been a land trapped in time. You can travel to Cuba safely and legally, and we’ve taken out the guesswork. Our team has streamlined the process for visas and the license requirements to get there and back safely.

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Trips starting at $1499

International trips are available year-round through our trusted partner organizations that we've worked closely with over the years. Trips can be customized specifically to your needs. Please fill out the interest form for more information, and our partners will contact you to book your next life-changing international mission trip.

Price $1499 per person
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23.0303395, -81.5322149


Group Mission Trips does not operate this trip. You will be connected with a trusted partner organization that can safely and effectively run this trip.

Age Group
Families/Adult Groups (All Ages)
Bus Accessible?

You can travel to Cuba safely and legally, and we’ve taken out the guesswork. Our team has streamlined the process for visas and the license requirements to get there and back safely.

On all our mission trips, we see heart-wrenching poverty and hear unbelievable stories of struggle and survival. Yet despite all the hardships faced by the people we serve, one thing always stays the same: God never forgets them, even when the rest of the world seems to. There's no country in the Western Hemisphere where that rings truer than Cuba. Since Fidel Castro’s Communist regime took power in 1959, Cuba has been trapped in time.

The cars on the streets are right out of Leave It to Beaver, and the government controls everything from food rations to media and, until recently, religious freedom. If you're like many Americans, you might even think traveling to Cuba is still illegal (it’s not if you’re going for religious purposes; we’ve been going for the past seven years). Yet God hasn’t forgotten Cuba.

Even with an alarming lack of Spanish Bibles and other Christian resources, Christianity not only survives but is flourishing despite persecution and government restrictions. And because America's travel restrictions have loosened, a unique window has opened for traveling to Cuba, experiencing its beautiful and mysterious culture, and bringing desperately needed Christian resources to churches that have been praying for help for years.

Dates and Pricing


Details coming soon...

How You’ll Serve

You'll serve in Jovellanos and Varadero. Here are examples of some things you might do:

  • Meet and interact with local Cuban pastors, hearing their stories
  • Do a simple work project for our ministry partner (painting a building or a church, or working on a ministry farm, for example)
  • Engage in humanitarian outreach by purchasing rice and beans, assembling packages, and distributing them to families in need (most have children with special needs); you might also serve meals to the elderly
  • Interact with Cuban kids with disabilities, playing games and helping with crafts
  • Attend a Cuban house church service, share your faith story with them (optional)

Our Partners

Our partners in Cuba are focused on helping the Christian church thrive because they see it as a source for hope and change. They’re committed to supporting pastors and are connected to many different churches of many denominations. Our efforts support their efforts to continue spreading faith in Jesus to every corner of the island. These partners are blessed when Americans come to Cuba not for tourism but to share, relate, and love. The blessing will be mutual, as you’ll walk away with new perspective and a new hope.



In a world where many teens grapple with anxiety, worry, and stress, this year's theme, "Equipped," highlights how God provides us with the tools for a fulfilling Christian life. Drawing from 2 Corinthians 9:8, the focus is on embracing how God enables us to approach fully living out our faith with confidence. From spiritual readiness to engaging in God's mission, it's about more than going through the motions; it's living out faith in practical ways through love, kindness, and action.

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