Program Details
Many of our Red Shirt staff and volunteers have reached out to us over the years and expressed a desire to be involved more than one week per year. We are continually impressed by the hearts of so many of you and your willingness to devote your time and abilities to serving this ministry and helping young people and communities across our great country.
Do you have additional time during the year and would like to be involved in helping the Group Mission Trips team prepare for the next summer season? Do you have a skill, profession, or connection that could be helpful to Group Mission Trips and its program? Do you have years of experience and ideas that can help shape the future of Group Mission Trips that you would like to share?
The Group Mission Trips team is excited to create this ambassador program, allowing red shirt staff to formally apply for opportunities to help year-round. Some examples of the ambassador program volunteer opportunities are:
You have a professional career or are a retired professional in any specific field like Marketing, for example, and you would like to offer your services.
You have served for years and have a deep understanding of the processes and would like to be involved with reviewing training guides, assisting with training, or offer suggestions.
You simply have a willingness to help by offering to assist with data entry, calling local vendors, or communicating with our partners.
You are willing to assist with volunteer recruiting or meet with a local, new youth group attending for the first time to help them prepare for camp.
There are limitless opportunities to help. Our desire is to welcome our vast network of Red Shirt family across the country to be a part of the process all year round.
To apply, follow the link to the form below and provide some information about yourself to help us match you with the most appropriate needs. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Mike Gianopulos at ambassador@groupmissiontrips.com. Thank you!
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