
How I Found my Purpose at Group Workcamps

During my Workcamp, I kept asking God to show me how to "step out of the boat" and to present me with opportunities to serve him. Nothing ever came up, and I was worried that God would never give me an answer. However, on Thursday when we talked about SURRENDER, I asked God what he wanted me to surrender, and he told me to surrender myself. I was so confused as to what that meant, so I sought guidance in a close friend. He told me, "Stop asking God what he wants you to do, and let him show you." So I sat, prayed with him, then got up to leave. But on my way out, I saw a girl from my youth group crying. So I sat down with her and started talking. I never could have imagined what she was going through. But I helped her, and kept talking until I put a smile on her face. Then it hit me, that was why I was at Group Workcamps, I had found what God wanted me to do. I may have saved a life that day.

God works in mysterious ways, and always has a plan for you.